32 Red Flags for Possible Learning Disability
If the behaviors look familiar to you, it is time to put your child on the road to being successful in school! Start your child out in school on the right foot! Don’t find out in the middle of the year your child is falling behind. The earlier you catch the cause of your child’s learning disability and find the correct remediation, the more likely your child will have a rewarding school year.
Rid your child from feelings of low self-esteem!
Slow development in speaking words or sentences (“late talkers”)
Pronunciation problems
Difficulty learning new words; slow vocabulary growth
Difficulty finding the right word to use when speaking
Difficulty understanding and following simple (one-step) directions
Difficulty understanding questions
Difficulty recognizing or learning rhyming words
Lack of interest in storytelling
Immature grammar (syntax)
Rid your child from feelings of being alone!
Emergent Literacy Skills
Slow speed in naming objects and colors
Limited phonological awareness (rhyming and syllable blending)
Difficulty understanding that written language is composed of phonemes (individual sounds) and letters that make up syllables and words
Minimal interest in print and limited print awareness
Difficulty recognizing and learning the letters of the alphabet
Difficulty learning the connection between letters and sounds
Rid your child from embarrassment!
Trouble memorizing the alphabet or days of the week
Poor memory for what should be routine (everyday procedures)
Difficulty with cause and effect, sequencing, and counting
Difficulty with basic concepts, such as size, shape, and color
Motor Skills
Poor balance
Difficulty with fine motor skills and manipulating small objects (stringing beads, tying shoes, buttoning)
Awkwardness with running, jumping, or climbing (delayed gross motor skills)
Difficulty with or avoidance of drawing, coloring, tracing, or copying
Social Behavior
Trouble interacting with others, plays alone
Easily frustrated
Hard to manage, temper tantrums
Has difficulty following directions
Attention and Behavior
Distractibility and inattention
Difficulty changing activities or handling disruptions to routines.