Reading Tutor
Brielle, NJ 08730
Tutors needed to provide multi-sensory, systematic, phonics-based instruction to students in grades K-12.
Job Responsibilities:
- Identify the characteristics of dyslexia and related language-based learning disabilities.
- Use assessments to identify students with word-level deficits who are appropriate for an intensive intervention.
- Effectively utilize multi-sensory structured language (MSL) instructional techniques, and demonstrate explicit teaching, modeling, guided practice, and consistent review in lessons.
- Understand language processes and how they impact the development of proficient readers and writers: phonological, orthographic, semantic, syntactic, and discourse.
- Successfully incorporate the following areas of reading instruction during Lessons: phonemic awareness, phonics, word structure, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
- Accurately teach the structure of the English language : consonant and vowel phonemes, syllable structure, common orthographic rules and spelling patterns, common Latin and Greek-based prefixes and suffixes, etc.
- Identify printed words that do not follow the rules of English, and incorporate multi-sensory structured language techniques to help students learn how to correctly read and spell these words. These words include high-frequency sight words.
- Diagnostically plan and deliver lessons, addressing and understanding specific student weaknesses that impact the ability to learn to read and write.
- Appropriately pace students through the curriculum, developing mastery of material taught, designing lessons that focus on accuracy, automaticity, and fluency of word and text reading.
- Develop students’ comprehension and fluency skills through the use of a visualization process, selection and instruction of appropriate vocabulary, and modeling and practice of technique for phrasing.
- Administer pre- and post-testing assessments to document student growth in word attack, spelling comprehension, reading fluency, and broad reading skills.
Education Evaluator
Brielle, NJ 08730
- Assess the student’s strengths and weaknesses
- Score the assessment using the criteria provided
- Write a report of the findings