
Orton-Gillingham Training

Jersey Shore Learning Center and Reading Innovations Uphold Excellence in Professional Practice

Certified Level

The Certified member is qualified as an independent practitioner in the Orton-Gillingham and Reading Innovations approaches as a Structured Literacy Classroom Teacher.


  1. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in any area of study
  2. Satisfactory completion of certification requirements


40 hours

Updated Reading List

Davis, Ronald D. (2010). The Gift of Dyslexia. New York: Penguin Group  
Gaddis, Cindy (2012). The Right Side of Normal. Booklocker.com, Inc.
Birsh, Judith R.; Carreker, Suzanne (2018). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul. H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Eide, Brock, M.D.,M.A., and Eide, Fernette, M.D (2006). The Mislabeled Child. New York, NY: Hyperion Books
Lavoie, Richard (2007) The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning on the Tuned-Out Child. New York, NY: Touchstone
Feifer, Steven G, DED, Gerhardstein Nader, Rebecca. (2015) Feifer Assessment of Reading; PAR, Florida
Moats, Louisa Cook (2000). Speech to Print. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul Brookes Publishing Company


Website Readings

Roxanne F. Hudson, Leslie High, Stephanie Al Otaiba. Reading Rockets: Dyslexia and the Brain: What Does Current Research Tell Us? Retrieved from: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/dyslexia-and-brain-what-does-current-research-tell-us

Improving the Writing Performance of Young Struggling Writers:

Theoretical and Programmatic Research from the Center on Accelerating Student Learning; Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris, Vanderbilt University; The Journal of Special Education VOL 39/ NO.1/ 2005/ pp. 19-33

Journal of Educational Psychology, Copyright, Carnegie Corporation of New York 2007, Vol. 99, No. 3, 445-476, Steve Graham and Dolores Perrin.
Henry M.K. (2003) Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction: Baltimore
Baumann, J.R., Edwards, E.C., Boland, E.M., Olejnik, S., & Kame’enui, E.J. (2003). Vocabulary tricks: Effects of instruction in morphology and context in fifth-grade students’ ability to derive and infer word meanings.
American Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 447-94.



Literacy Achievement in the Primary
Grades in High-Poverty Schools
Louisa C. Moats and Barbara R. Foorman
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 24(2), 58–68 C©2009 The Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children; Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris. SRSD Instruction (Self-Regulated Strategy Development. Includes strategies, skills, knowledge, motivation
Charles A. MacArthur. Reading Rockets: Writing Disabilities: An Overview. Social Context, Knowledge About Content and Writing, Transcription Skills, Language kills, Planning, Revising, Self-Regulation (https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ssid/301/study-skills/writing/academic-writing/paragraph-flow-connectivity)
Reading Rockets: Reading 101; A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing: Assessment in Depth
Reading Rockets; Student Progress Monitoring: What This Means for Your Child. Kathleen McLane

Reading Rockets; Types of Informal Classroom -Based Assessment






The Dyslexic Brain

Book: Davis, Ronald D. (2010). The Gift of Dyslexia, (pp. 81-83, 100-102, 109-111) New York, NY: Penguin Group

Book: Gaddis, Cindy (2012). The Right Side of Normal. (pp. 21, 90-92, 94, 104, 108, 111,117, 131,133, 135, 141-142, 205, 209, 223-224, 270, 288, 298, 356, 382, 454) BookLocker.com, Inc.

Website: Roxanne F. Hudson, Leslie High, Stephanie Al Otaiba. Reading Rockets: Dyslexia and the Brain: What Does Current Research Tell Us? Retrieved from: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/dyslexia-and-brain-what-does-current-research-tell-us

The Language System

Website: Improving the Writing Performance of Young Struggling Writers:
Theoretical and Programmatic Research from the Center on Accelerating Student Learning; Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris, Vanderbilt University; The Journal of Special Education VOL 39/ NO.1/ 2005/ pp. 19-33

Website: Henry M.K. (2003) Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction: Baltimore

Website: Baumann, J.R., Edwards, E.C., Boland, E.M., Olejnik, S., & Kame’enui, E.J. (2003). Vocabulary tricks: Effects of instruction in morphology and context in fifth-grade students’ ability to derive and infer word meanings

Website: American Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 447-94.

Book: Birsh, Judith R.; Carreker, Suzanne (2018). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul. H. Brookes Publishing Co. (pp. 86, 110-118, 307,)

Book: Eide, Brock, M.D.,M.A., and Eide, Fernette, M.D (2006). The Mislabeled Child. New York, NY: Hyperion Books (pp. 142-143, 269)

Book: Gaddis, Cindy (2012). The Right Side of Normal. BookLocker.com, Inc. (Pages 90-91, 94, 104, 108, 111, 141, 205, 270, 382, 454)

Effective Lesson Planning

Book: Birsh, Judith R.; Carreker, Suzanne (2018). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul. H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Book: Lavoie, Richard (2007) The Motivation Breakthrough: 6 Secrets to Turning on the Tuned-Out Child. New York, NY: Touchstone pg. 167

Essential Writing Strategies

Website: http://profdev.ngreach.com/resources/


Book: McCardle, Peggy;Chhabra, Vinita; Kapinus, Barbara (2008) Reading Research in Action. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul. H. Brookes Publishing Co. (pp. 184, 186, 190, 192)

Website: Literacy Achievement in the Primary
Grades in High-Poverty Schools
Louisa C. Moats and Barbara R. Foorman

Website: Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 24(2), 58–68 C©2009 The Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children; Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris. SRSD Instruction

Website: Charles A. MacArthur. Reading Rockets: Writing Disabilities: An Overview. Social Context, Knowledge About Content and Writing, Transcription Skills, Language kills, Planning, Revising, Self-Regulation




Book: McCardle, Peggy;Chhabra, Vinita; Kapinus, Barbara (2008) Reading Research in Action. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul. H. Brookes Publishing Co. (Chapter 13, pages 223-231)

Book: Feifer, Steven G, DED, Gerhardstein Nader, Rebecca. (2015) Feifer Assessment of Reading; PAR, Florida

Website: Reading Rockets: Reading 101; A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing: Assessment in Depth

Website: Reading Rockets; Student Progress Monitoring: What This Means for Your Child. Kathleen McLane

Website: Reading Rockets; Types of Informal Classroom -Based Assessment


Reading Innovations; Jersey Shore Learning Center Handbook

Education Laws

Website: https://www.seewritehear.com/learn/individuals-with-disabilities-education-act-idea/

Pathways to the Mind



Application to Jersey Shore learning Center through the Jersey Shore Learning Center website.